The FL Studio version number and Fruity, Producer, Signature or All Plugins Edition. Your name and customer number in the About window.Click the ‘about’ option, to open the about window inside FL Studio.Start FL Studio and go to the menu help.How do I know if my FL Studio is unlocked? Students may also obtain individual educational licenses from authorised FL Studio resellers. Students can freely obtain the FL Studio Trial version at for use on their personal computers. On the ‘About’ click ‘Unlock FL Studio ‘. Unlock/update FL Studio – Open FL Studio and from the top-left menus select ‘HELP’ (or ‘?’ in FL Studio 12) then ‘About…’, at the bottom of the list. Here you can find the serial number in the about box heading. If you have installed the FL Studio Boxed version on your PC, then you can retrieve the serial number as follows: If you have FL Studio 5 or lower / an early FruityLoops box program: Go to the menu Help > About. How do I find my serial number for FL Studio? 3 How much is the student discount for FL Studio?.2 How do I know if my FL Studio is unlocked?.1 How do I find my serial number for FL Studio?.