All videos, regardless of the content, must be flaired as 'Content' unless they meet the requirements for being flaired as 'News'. Video Content Rules: While posting video content is encouraged, no begging for subscribers, low content 'check out my channel' posts, or click bait titles. Please only use the 'Deck List' flair if you are providing an actual deck list for the community to critique, not asking for one. Please only use the 'News' flair if the content in it comes from an official source (website, Facebook page, etc) or if Bandai has reached out to you to preview cards. Flair Rules: Flaring your post helps users clarify what your post is about. Posting the cards you pulled from them is encouraged. Pulls Rules: No posts of unopened Booster Packs/Boxes. Any posts that are not about DBSCG should be directed to their specific subreddits. Dragon Ball Super Card Game Only: This is a subreddit specifically for DBSCG related content only. (If you're looking for the Dragon Ball Z Card Game check out /r/dbzccg) Rulesġ. DBS_CardGame is an unofficial subreddit dedicated to the Dragon Ball Super Card Game.